About Jordan


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William Jordan Lenfestey was born on June 12, 2001. He was a full term baby and was actually induced for being a week late. He weighed 7lbs and 15oz and was 22 inches long.  Today at 38 months Jordan weighs about 25lbs, about as much as his little brother Tyler. Jordan and Tyler are a year apart, but everyone thinks I have twins, sometimes I tell, them some times I don't :). Thanks to his little brother Jordan started walking and no longer needs his braces! And we thought Tyler was going to be too much! We are still working on sign language with him and he can say "more", "cookie" and "baby". He also loves to do the roll em up part of patty cake! He is the biggest flirt in the world and I can't take him anywhere without drawing attention. A couple of people have said, "there seems to be something really special about him" I of course have to tell them a bit of what a miracle he is, and they are quite amazed and agree that God has special plans for this little boy. It's great to see that he is already using him, if nothing but to make someone smile.  

Jordan has two brothers; Hunter is his big brother(5years), and Tyler is his little brother(8 months)  Jordan is adorable, as you can see from the pictures. He gets all kinds of attention and even strangers stop to talk to him.  I believe there is a reason for everything, and we are very glad to have Jordan in our life. Jordan has many friends through the hospital, church, and Ronald Mcdonald House, as well as all of his therapists.  Everyone falls in love with Jordan, especially after they hear about his amazing story. 


Jordan and his brothers.

Hunter, Jordan and Tyler

Hunter loves being a big brother.  Jordan and Tyler are growing up a lot like twins and learning a lot from each other.


A Day In Jordans Diaper

During the week Jordan gets to go and visit Granny in the mornings while Mom goes off to play with the horses. He and his brother get into everything and have become quite the team. I usually find them together getting into the same thing, and they both love to get the phone and play with it. Since Big Brother Hunter has started school, they don't get to terrorize him until the afternoon. Hunter loves to play his games on the playstation, and the babies love to get hold of those cords. Jordan usually likes to get front row seat by standing right there at the tv. Hunter's great about it and helps out a lot with keeping track of the trouble makers.

Jordan still has three therapist working with him and they each come twice a week. He also has a nurse who comes to keep track of his weight. Jordan's daddy comes home later in the evening and then all four boys usually play in the floor awhile. Jordan and Tyler bunk in the same room and both sleep pretty good at night. Jordan is a very happy baby despite all he has been through and such a blessing.